Course Overview: |
This purpose of this course is to enable the student to develop an understanding of codes and standards as applied to fire prevention. Although the class does not specifically address any one particular model code, the intent is to gain insight into general fire prevention practices. Additionally, FPT 102 is designed for recognition of hazards, not code enforcement. Inspection methodology is emphasized and practiced through manipulative exercises and assignments. Special attention is given to occupancies. |
Associate Professor: | Kevin Kolb, CFPS |
Telephone: 585-747-5781 | |
E-mail: |
Office Hours: |
There are no office hours. Contact the instructor by telephone or before or after class. |
Course Objectives: |
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will:
Require Textbook: |
Soloman, R. E. (2002). Fire and Life Safety Inspection Manual. National Fire Protection Association: Quincy, MA. |
Course Website: | (Click on Fire Prevention and Inspection Course.) |
Attendance: |
An attendance record will be maintained and excessive absences handled according to MCC policy. Regular attendance is expected. Chronic absences have a negative effect on evaluation of class participation. In excess of 2 absences, the participation grade shall be reduced 1 point per absence. Withdrawal from the course will be handled in accordance with MCC policy. Students are recommended to consult a financial aid advisor prior to withdrawing. |
Evaluation Methods: |
There will be 3 examinations and a comprehensive final examination. Each exam will count 15% of your total grade and the final exam will constitute 20%. Attendance and participation in class will account for 5%. The class project will constitute 10% of your final grade. The remaining 20% will be based on homework, classwork and other assignments. |
Make-Up Exam Policy: |
If for any reason an examination is to be missed, contact with the instructor should be made prior to class. A make-up exam will be given only if the student demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that the absence was unavoidable. Make-up exam may be given in the form of essay questions. |
Assignments, Projects, and Homework: |
Text assignments should be read in preparation for each class. The student is responsible for all assigned course materials even though some may not be specifically discussed in class. Reports and homework assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the date assigned by the instructor. Late work will not be accepted. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. |
All papers and homework submitted must be college level work and written accordingly. Spelling and grammar shall be graded along with the accuracy of content. Any material borrowed from another author shall be correctly cited as a reference in the paper. Academic honesty will be maintained in accord with MCC policy. |
Papers must be neatly printed from a computer. Hand written reports are not acceptable. |
Each student will have an opportunity to practice principles learned throughout this course. A project will be completed and report submitted. |
Grading Scale: |
Students total percentile scores are converted to final letter grades based on the following: |
100-95 = A | 89-88 = B+ | 79-78 = C+ | 69-68 = D+ | 59-0 = F |
94-90 = A- | 87-84 = B | 77-74 = C | 67-64 = D | |
83-80 = B- | 73-70 = C- | 63-60 = D- |
Cell Phone/Pager Policy: |
Activation of student's pagers or cell phones is a class interruption. Such a disturbance will result in a quiz being administered to the entire class. Any use of these devices should be outside of the classroom. This includes text messaging, or any appliance with headphones. |
Should an audible device sound, as a result of the instructor's neglect, students will receive full points equaling a quiz grade. |
Disability Statement: |
I would appreciate hearing from anyone in this class who has a special need which may be the result of a disability. I am reasonably sure we can work out whatever arrangement is necessary, be it special seating, testing, or other accommodations. See me after class or as soon as possible. |
Emergency Closings: |
If the College is closed due to inclement weather or some other emergency, all Rochester area radio and television stations will be notified no later than 5:30 a.m. In addition, the homepage on the MCC website will display a message indicating the College is closed. Please do not call the College to avoid overloading the telephone lines. |
Class cancellation: |
Information is available daily on the web or through the telephone. Simply go to the MCC website and under the "Quick Links" window on the homepage, click on "Class Cancellations". Additionally, class cancellation information is available by dialing 292-2066, press "1" for the Brighton Campus and "2" for the Damon Campus. If possible, please use the web as there could be delays in the voice recordings based on the number of cancellations. |
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